Tuesday, May 05, 2009

¡ESPECIAL! Afternoon Black and White ¡ESPECIAL!


"D" said...

What's with the buddle? Sweating... or just too much beer.

John T Quinn III said...

are you jumping over the puddle? why can we see the bottom of your feet?

i love the reflection of the sig. nice touch.

Uncle Phil said...

"d" - I'm pretty sure its 20% sweat, 79% water, and 1% cat hair.

John - I was trying to make myself floating over the puddle. But I think it's unsuccessful for a few reasons. My original idea was that the 2nd panel was going to be dripping / turning into water... but for some reason I abandoned that. the puddle was going to be the remains of the panel.. but since that idea was scrapped.. i guess it's just kind of weird.

And thanks for digging the reflection of the signature. I was happy with that one :)

Chris Battle said...

muy beuno.

wolfboy said...

I want to see more of you in a sombrero.

Unknown said...

uh oh!

Vincent Waller said...

Loving all these. Your on the street geriatric drawings below inspired me to start really looking around again, and recording folks while I'm out tooling around.
Peoples is so much fun to look at.

mikecarloooyeah said...
