I got some good news yesterday that I'd like to share... I WON A PRIMETIME EMMY!!! HO-LY SHIT! Someone count the hanging chads!!!
It's for (I believe) Outstanding Achievement in Character Design for The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure.
Wow, I just can't believe it. Big thanks to Maxwell Atoms for forcing me to submit designs from the B&M Movie (I didn't want to). Thanks to Marc Perry for kicking my ass and pushing me in new directions, whether I liked it or not. Seriapio Calm, for enduring the ass kicking along with me. And Frank (i'm butchering your last name) Homiski and Brian Smith for making my designs looks so damned pretty on the screen.
Wowoooowoow! This guy's gotta get a tuxedo.
And without further adieu,
Rod Scribner's "Rowdy Runner"

I hope you enjoyed.
Oh wow!! Congrats on the emmy, dude. Your stuff rocks so you definitely deserve it.
Holy Crapgratulations! Please reign with a kind heart.
Awesome!! Congrats on the Emmy!
Congrats PhiL!!!
Congratulations Uncle Phil!
Awesome news on the Emmy, Phil! Pretty soon they're going to change the Hollywood sign to read, "Phil Rynda Land!" Or words to that effect.
Congrats on the emmy award phil!
big love and congratulations on the emmy, Phil.
wicked awesome!
post the drawings that you won for!
Thanks everyone!
Rick... I'd have to dig up those drawings, but man.... I don't really like them all that much. I'll take a look at them again, and maybe post em. ... oh, any more Labor Days Ashcans lying around? I'd love to have a hard copy dude.
Big ups to the "Busta". Be sure to give me a shout out at the Emmys. Don't forget who taught you everything. You still a Busta though.
Congratulations! I think UNCLE PHIL LAND for the new sign would have a nice informal effect.
Congrats Phil! Say "Hi" to Kathy Griffin for me.
You're awesome.
and hey.... my word verification is
way to go phil! that's some nice emmy winning!
Sweeeeet!! Congratulations, you Primetime Emmy Award winner! I'm very happy for you!
WOWwooowwoow indeed!
Awesome Phil!
much deserved... killer
dude, thats effin AWESOME!!! many congrats philociraptor. who will you be wearing?
Phil COngradulations on the Emmy, now get your emmy award winning as son the phone and call a brotha! Awesome work by the way.
holy moley congrats!!!
"prime time phil!"
and thanks for posting this comic! i really love scribner, it's funny it's as if he has a hard time drawing things that are still! ha awesome!
Congrats Uncle Phyl! You deserve it for all that hard slaving work! Now you can celebrate with a game of Warhammer 40k!
Hey Bugs,
Whats a congrads unless it come from "D". All the best.
Did you find the drawerings yet? Maybe jsut email'em. I wanna see the magic! I gots a few ashcans left over. Where should i send it? Did you already read it on the LD blog?
thanks for posting this! i hope you're ready for that big event soon :)
Congratulations, Uncle!
Now ask for a raise...?
Wha - Hoo! Congrats! thankls for posting the rod , didn't know he did comics. bit of a rip of Beaky buzard.
Great old comix post. I love that stuff.
Awesome, I'm diggin this. Thanks for posting, and congrats on your award.
Phil- super-congrats on the emmy! Seriously man, that is awesome.
So lunch is rejected, huh? Much sadness in the Lambey home.
Enrico - Non ci credo davvero; hai fatto un lavoro bellissimo! Auguroni!!!
I SO don't care about Rod Scribner anymore now that it's been up for a month. Post a pic of that stubbly mug of yours holding that little golden lady!
congrats Phil, yet again! sorry I didn't make it to the party. I was literally asleep on my feet. crazy life... I saw the photos, though - that's just fantastic. congrats!
Hey Phil, congrats on the Emmy! I guess you're a true L.A.-er now.
i am at your disposal color nazi! i need someone to boss me around and show me how to color...i fk.n suck at it! help!
That's so freakin awesome! Congrats Phil!
Congratulations Phil! I talked to Erin Lucas for the first time in about a year and she read in the Central Record of Medford that you won an Emmy so I googled your name to find out more about it and here is your blog! What fun. Glad to hear you are doing so well. :)
Thanks for these pages. Scribner comics are rare. Have you seen the storyboards he did on Coal Black?
Who knew? And he looks like a woodpecker!
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