Monday, January 23, 2006

Floating Donkey

I was brushing up on some flash and did this sketch. You'll be seeing a lot more of these guys on the blog in the future. They're for a project I'm developing, and I'm still doing a lot of soul searching to figure out who the characters are.



kaNO! said...

I dig this Phill, would love to see more of these two characters

Jared Deal said...

whoa!!! awesome!!! more please.

Unknown said...

Wow! Awesome work Phil! And thanks for the comic post! Loving to see more!

burgerlog said...

i like this, how cute, and un-pc! ha ha

GWEELOK said...

Hey Phil, nice drawing of a Buffalo Jockey, Injun, Apple, Blanket-Ass, Bogan, Chief, Chug, Cowboy-Killer, FBI, Feather, Gasbag, Guteater, Mohow, Nate, Neechee, Nit, Pretendian, Redskin, Squaw, Tee-Pee Creeper, Tomahawk-Chucker, Tonto, Wagon Burner, Wahoo, War Whoop.

The donkey's cool too.

Martin Wittig said...

Cool stuff Phil!

Anonymous said...

Holy JEEBUS! This looks great! Then again I am not surprised, I am actually more surprised that I am surprised. I am so lonely come home...

mike said...

finally...great stuff man. i like the direction your going with...very round, great use of line and's good to see something different, back to the old school. i'm sick of all the "designy" hard edge cartoon network crap..give da people what they need phil!


hey Phil, I don't know what about this pair creates a perfectly balanced universe but it just clicks. and very well drawn, but that's a given.

william wray said...

Nice work Phil. You style is evolving nicely. Thanks for spreading the word on some of those unknown Latin cartoonists, looks like there is some undiscovered gold down south.


very entertaining stuff, man. Very.

MundoNiamh said...

Hi, uncle Phil!
This character is very similar Patoruzu, Dante Quinterno's creation.
The donkey is similar Pampero, Patoruzu's horse.
I'm from Argentina.
I don't know if you see these characters.
Here, you and your visitors look them.
